Want To Lose Weight? A Diet Like This Can You Example

Diet is one of the ways used by many people to lose weight. Well, a good diet to run is a diet that is low in calories and nutritious balanced diet.

"So the food is reduced gradually adjusted to the weight, height, age, gender, diseases suffered and the dining habit," Dr. Cindyawati Pudjiadi, SpGK, MS, a nutritionist families when you call detikHealth, as written on Wednesday (30/1/2013).

Dr. Cindy exemplifies when usually eat two dishes every day, then the portions can be reduced to one plate. This portion of the reduction should be carried out gradually.

How to Cook were also influential for those who want to lose weight. Recommended food processed by way of dipepes, sauteed, boiled, steamed or baked. Fried foods and coconut-based strongly not recommended.

"Avoid foods also contain sugar, such as yan kur, candy, chocolates, sugary drinks, and others. To find out the exact amount of food consumed in accordance with their respective conditions on an individual basis can consult a specialist nutrition that is near where you live, "said the doctor, who practiced in RS Ivory Pluit and
This Medistra HOSPITAL.

The number of calories consumed at morning, noon, and night should also be adapted to the needs of each person. Then the food is divided into 3 large servings and 2-3 small portions.

"Good food consumed in the morning, noon and night should contain complete all the required nutrients like carbohydrate sources such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and others. Then the protein sources such as chicken breast without the skin, fish, egg whites, tofu, tempeh, and others. Please select a different source of protein that's low in fat, "advises Dr. Cindy.

Eat all vegetables and fruits. Despite being on a diet, foods with fats is also required. The fat source in the source of protein and oil. Well, to get fat not saturated is good for your health can be taken from marine fish, canola oil, and olive oil are added to the food.

Special Diet Ala Dr. Oz

Mehmet Cengiz Oz or more commonly known as Dr. Oz is a heart surgeon United States of origin of the Turks. He often performed the Peel Health problems. Well, in the book Fun, Easy and Smart Diet, Dr. Oz healthy menu choices to your diet.

For those interested in the cereals wheat, you can cook with 4 ounces of skim milk or soy milk with vitamin D and calcium as well as favorite fruits in the sekepalan portion of the hand.

Or you can have breakfast omelet made of egg whites, 3 egg whites and an egg intact. Complete with a variety of vegetables that are cut into pieces. It could also make scrambled from the 2 eggs. Or just boil 2 eggs and eat with 2 slices of sausage or know.

If do not like cereals and eggs breakfast, try a piece of whole wheat bread. Pangganglah bread with tea spoonful of peanut butter or apple butter.

2. Lunch

Try the chopped salad from 6 grain walnut and your favorite vegetables. All chopped and mixed with 4 oz of salmon meat or chicken breast and balsamic vinegar and olive oil with a ratio of 2: 1.

Or you could have lunch with vegetable burgers are served with grilled corn cake and tea spoonful of olive oil include free fructose. Then campurlah with meat marinade sauce, sliced tomatoes, lettuce, or spinach and red onion.

For snacks in the morning and in the afternoon, you can choose the fruits and nuts. For example, half an ounce of peanuts mixed raw apples, bananas, plums, pears, oranges, slice of lemon, a cup of berries, 2 kiwi fruit, half a grapefruit, or other fruits.

Alternatively, a half cup of whole wheat cereal mixed half cup almonds and one-quarter the berries, apricots, and dried currants.

Stir-fry Cup of vegetables can also be warmed in the microwave, then eaten with bread wheat. Kudaplah or vegetable pieces only.

Probiotic yogurt low-fat mixed half cup peaches or mandarin orange unsweetened could also be an option. Do not forget to sprinkle a bit of raisins to make it more palatable.
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+ comments + 18 comments

25 Februari 2013 pukul 14.45

thanks for tips..nice tips very usefully

17 Juni 2013 pukul 09.00

thenks gan artikelnya

itu sangat bagus sekali

24 Oktober 2013 pukul 00.30

hehe nice tips :D

13 November 2013 pukul 12.45

i try my diet

31 Januari 2014 pukul 06.29

nice tips :D

31 Januari 2014 pukul 06.31

nice blog and tips

31 Januari 2014 pukul 06.31

nice, i try it :D

24 Februari 2014 pukul 06.20

nice tips :) and yes i want :)

22 April 2014 pukul 05.36

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28 November 2017 pukul 07.17

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